Important dates
Abstract submisson deadline:
31th July
07th August
Call for abstracts
The BBB 2024 Scientific Comittee invites participants to submit abstracts for Poster Presentation at the conference.
Abstract submission deadline:
July 31th extended to 07 of August
Abstract Guidelines
- Abstract must be in English
- Abstract must be submitted as a Microsoft® Word Document (.doc or .docx)
- Font 11pt Arial
- Title on first line in bold (caps and lower case)
- Blank line
- Authors on next line, presenting author underlined; in format first name middle initial(s) last name with superscript to link to affiliations
- Blank line
- Affiliations with line break between each; numbered with superscripts
- E-mail address of corresponding author
- Blank line
- Text of abstract (max 250 words; no figures, tables or references)
Posters are expected to be mounted on the opening day, before the poster session
and can remain displayed for 3 days, until the end of the Conference.
Please look for your poster stand according to the numbering in the program booklet.